Benefits of Professional Carpet Cleaning
Carpets are the number one collectors of dirt as they are extremly exposed to foot traffic. This also makes them vunerable to tearing, fading and other types of damage. We should take our carpets to professional cleaning one or two times a year. Other than that, we should also vacuum them at least once a week. Besides having your carpets constantly refreshed, professional cleaning can offer you many other benefits. Here are the 4 benefits of professional carpet cleaning:
1. Longer Life Span
With time the fibers of your carpet can split and deteriorate. This happens because of the accumulation of dust, allergens, dirt and other debris. The experience your carpet has when taken to a professional cleaning team is similar to the one you have when you have microdermabrasion or a regular dental clean up. Professional carpet cleaners make sure that the deepest spots of your carpet are thoroughly clean. Along with refreshing it, this expands its life span.
2. Healthier Home
A dirty carpet is the same as dirty air ducts, pipes and basements. Those things are major threats to your overall health, especially if you have a history of respiratory problems. Dirt attracts dirt and large amounts of debris build up can only lead to bad things and more debris. With professional cleaning care, your carpet is fully sanitized and free from dust and allergens. This is done by using extremely hot water for cleaning the carpet.
3. Free From Stains
Each home has at least one coffee stain on a carpet. It is normal to spill things on the floor as we cannot constantly be careful about everything. With carpet cleaning you get a guarantee that your carpet will be free of unwanted stains like those from wine, coffee, ink, mud and pets. Now, you can sit with your glass of wine, carefree.
4. Adds to Appeal
With having fresh looking, clean carpets you add aesthetic value to your home. We all have had the experience of entering a room, not liking it and not being able to point out why. You cannot consciously notice everything, but your hard-working subconscious brain sure can.
A dirty carpet loses its meaning as one of its main functions is making rooms classier and good-looking. Another thing clean carpets do is add home value. Homebuyers don’t like old and dusty carpets. With frequently cleaning yours, you prevent the carpet from becoming a negative point for the home.
About Dust Knights
Breathe easier today with duct cleaning and carpet cleaning services for Dust Knights!